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Salvage Project of Helios 3 Wreck
Bid Section I of the Waterway Maintenance Project (Phase 2) for the Puyang River from the Yaogongbu Bridge to Xintingbu, Zhuji City
Relocation Project of Bid Section 1 of the Port for Traffic between Land and Island at Aojiang, Pingyang County
The Wharf at the South Bank and Part of the Revetment Works of Gaoting Central Fishing Harbor at Daishan County
Reinforcement and Modification Project of Guoju Qidu Port
The Shijing Fishery Quay Extension Project for Taiwan use only at Nan’an City
Technical Reforming Project at the Gangzhangwan Passenger Dock at Ningde (water engineering part)
Daqu Grade 1 Fishing Harbor Construction Project at Daishan County
Zhoushan Base Port Project
Dredging Project of Yangtze Estuary Deepwater Channel Improvement Phase III Wreck Removal Project near Light Buoy D41-D42
Dredging Project of Yangtze Estuary Deepwater Channel Improvement Phase III Wreck Removal Project near Light Buoy D29
Emergency handling of Daixiang No. 1
Salvage of Taiwanese Wreck
Salvage of Wrecks during Typhoon Period
Salvage of Wreck Ruijiang No. 6
Early Phase Project of Jintang Dapukou Container Dock
Land Formation Project of Zhuangyuan’ao Container Dock in Wenzhou
Cast-in-situ Bored Pile Installation of Aoshan Transfer Base Oil Storage Tank Foundation in Zhoushan under CNPC (China National Petroleum Corporation)
Improvement Project along the East Sea area in Xiamen
Sediment Dredging, Riprap and Accropode Placement Project of Deep Water Channel Improvement Phase III at the Yangtze River Estuary
Improvement Project of a Smelly Black River Channel of Zhangjialu Port in Zhuqiao Town
Xinliuhe Beach Nourishment and Installation of Accropodes of the Submerged Breakwater at Nanshatou Passage
Breakwater Project in the Western Area of Yangshan Deep Water Port
Land Formation Project (Phase I) of Utility Area and Comprehensive Energy Utilization Area of Xiaoyangshan Port
Qingcaosha Reservoir and Water Intake & Transfer Pump Brake Project
East Breakwater and Land Formation Project of Beilun Container Dock Phase IV in Ningbo Port
Breakwater Project of Merchants International Daxie Terminals
Mud Blowing Project of the Pilot Area of Wenzhou High-Tech Industrial Base for Private Economy
Construction Contract Section II of Reclamation in the Southern Part of Leqingwan Port Phase I
Hydraulic Filling Project of Diaolang Reclamation Area in Zhoushan City
Dredging Project of Yangshan Deep Water Port Phase I
2 × 50,000-ton-class General Berth Extension Project of Longkou Port in Shandong Province
100,000-ton-class Channel Project of Longkou Port in Shandong Province
Dredging and Maintenance Project of Beisha Port (from Jianchuan Road Bridge to Estuary of the Huangpu River) under Shanghai Municipality On The Administration Of Waterway Transportation
Dock Dredging (bid section 1) and Waterfront Construction for Yangshan Oil Storage Project
300,000-ton-class Crude Oil Dock Dredging Project of Cezi Isle Oil Depot of Nanjing Oil Transportation Department
Shenjiamen Port Dredging Project (bid section II) of Putuo District, Zhoushan City
Dredging and Maintenance Project (bid section II) of the Yunzaobang Channel (Baoshan Section)
Channel Improvement Project of Shunde Waterway and Ganzhu Waterway in Guangdong Province
Coal Dock Dredging Project of Ningbo Beilun Power Plant
Renovation & Extension Project of Upstream Mooring Dolphins of Huai’an No.1 Ship Lock
Water Engineering Project of Ningbo Maritime Supervision Base under Zhejiang Maritime Safety Administration
Water Engineering Project of Zhoushan Maritime Supervision Base under Zhejiang Maritime Safety Administration
Phase I Project of Dongdian Level-2 Fishing Port at Jinshang Town, Shishi City, Fujian Province
3,000-ton-class Berth Extension Project of Zhoushan COFCO
Outfitting Dock Construction Phase 1 and Approach Bridge Project of Funing Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. in Fujian Province
No.2 Outfitting Dock Project Phase II of Tsuneishi Group (ZHOUSHAN) Shipbuilding Inc. (TZS)
Precast Yard Dock Project of CCCC Third Harbor Engineering Co., Ltd.

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Ministry of Transport of the People's Republic of China
Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China(MOHURD)
Water Transport Construction Industry Association
China Dredging Association
Maritime Safety Administration People's Republic of China
Shanghai Maritime Safety Administration
Zhejiang Maritime Safety Administration
Shandong Maritime Safety Administration


怎么学?胡锦涛总书记说:我们要结合时代的发展,让井冈山精神大力发扬,使之在新的时代条件下,放射出新的光芒。作为大润人,结合实际,我们应从以下几个方面学:一是联系大润事业开拓发展实际。公司成立党组织后,发展已面临着新的机遇与挑战,即已从以往单纯的经营生产向经济、政治、文化、社会四位一体的方向全面发展,并逐步实现做大、做强,致高、致远的理念和目标。在新形势、新任务面前,首先需要我们有象井冈山那样的精神。尽管我们在前进的道路上,还会遇到这样那样的困难或问题,但困难再大,总比不上井冈山艰苦时期的困难大;问题再多,总比不上井冈山时期问题多。只有牢记依靠井冈山精神,我们才能够敢为人先、勇于开拓,才能积极、稳重、扎实地推进公司全面发展;二是联系个人思想、工作实际。身为大润公司的一员,我们既是公司一名光荣的员工,又是中国特色社会主义的建设者。作为新时期的大润员工,井冈山精神是我们生命的支柱,在思想的灵魂,在学习、工作和生活中,我们要像革命先辈、先烈那样,要有坚定不移的理想信念,树立正确的世界观、人生观、价值观;要有为大润,为事业顽强拼搏、乐于奉献的精神,真正做到爱岗敬业、勤勉工作 、遵守纪律,脚踏实地创新进取,为大润、为党贡献自己的才智和力量;三是要联系共产党员的先锋模范作用。共产党员是人民群众中的先进分子,而井冈山精神又正是用共产党人的精神和血肉之躯凝聚凝练而成的。因此,学习井冈山精神,就是要珍惜自己党员的光荣称号,牢记自己肩负的时代重任,不忘自己保持先进性的职责,要像井冈山革命先辈、先烈那样,把党和人民的利益放在首位,关心他人胜过自己,做到冲锋和吃苦在前,退却和享受在后,带头增强党性和提高思想觉悟,带头努力学习和提高素质,带头做好工作和完成各项任务,带头发扬优良作风和遵纪守法,做一名名副其实的共产党员,为大润发展树好共产党员的光辉旗帜!v

Author〖党支部〗    Date〖2009-09-27〗    Read〖5163〗
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